St. Mary had expired in the age of 51th at Jeruselem. Disciples of jesus christ came to know this through holy spirit and holy spirit took them by clouds and brought near to St.Mary and they buried St.Mary's body near by the place where Jesus Christ prayed to father in Gethsaman garden. On the third day after funeral, angels took her by fire chariot to heaven. At that time St.Thomas could reach there. St.Thomas had doubtful nature. In order to convince others he requested to St.Mary to give him any sign. Then chariot stopped in the air and St.Mary put attire worm and kerchief to St.Thomas. Then he showed this soonoro to other disciples of Jesus and convinced them. He took this soonoro on his journey to India. Alot of miracles have been happening then onwards from this soonoro by touching, seeing etc. Gradually it took to Uraha, then it kept in St.Soonoro church in Homes in Siriya.
When Eliyah has been taken to heaven by chariot of fire, Elisha got the mantle of Eliyah that fell from him and Elisha went back. When Elisha put this cloth on water at Jordan, It parted into two then he went on dry ground(2 kings 2.11-14). He did a lot of miracles by using this cloth. When St.Paul's prons laid on patients, their diseases departed from them (The Acts 19.12). When the holy Bible says this events to us, we can understand that howmuch blessings we get through the St.Mary's holy Girdle by touch, holy sight and caring.
Our former patriarch H.H Ignatious Aprem patriarch had interest to search and study historical evidences. While he was searching such things, he had found some writings. This writings gave a great evidences to our patriarch, because this writings included letters of Homes parishners, they wrote to members of Mardeen church that they had found St.Mary's soonoro in 1852 and reinstalled in the alter. Thus our patriarch gave permission to distroy or break that alter in 1953 and found writings with the statement "This church was constructed in AD 59" and found St.Mary's soonoro in Silver plate. After that people of Homes and foreigners were attracted to this place. Some archiologist reached and examined its age and proved that it was true.
In order to understand the value of this great treasure what had got to church,patriarch gave pat of this holy soonoro to install in some churches in India for the blessing of Indians. Thus our former expired Catholicos H.H Beseilous Poulose II installed this soonoro in our mother church, St.Mary's Jacobite church Angamaly on 14th November 1983.
With the permission our present patriarch, Malankara Yacob Burdhana H.H Beselious Thomas I installed part of this "Holy Soonoro" in this church on 1st September 2005.